Located at the Corner of Combs
and West Main Street
Collinsville, IL 62234
November ~ 2022
Decorated for Autumn . . .
Once again, the D.D. Collins House has some fresh paint and is beautifully decorated for autumn.
Some fresh paint and pumpkins on display welcome autumn 2022!
There's just something special about a front porch.
Ladies from the Collinsville Garden Club add cornstalks to the front lamppost as part of the autumn décor.
Pumpkins on the steps for an autumn "Welcome and hello!"
Let's add some Indian corn on the light post
by the zinnias. Perfect!
Even the back ramp looks bright and welcoming.
What a warm autumn greeting at
the picket fence.
With a fresh coat of paint to the front porch and stairs and the back entry ramp, the historic Collins House shines like a beautiful gem in the autumn sunlight.
Thank you to the Collinsville Garden Club for creating another beautiful autumn décor welcome and to the Friends of the D.D. Collins House for your support.
Photos of exterior fresh up taken
by Paul Welch, November, 2022.
Photos of the Collinsville Garden Club decorators taken by Sarah Wilkerson, November, 2022.
Phone: Call Lavadna at 618.420.0288
Mail: c/o 104 Irene Dr., Collinsville, IL 62234
Email: artloft@charter.net