
Carolyn Welch
Apr 29, 2017
What's in a name?~
The Feverfew is coming up. So do what your Mum says, and check it out . . . visit our Herbs page to learn more by clicking the Feverfew...

Carolyn Welch
Apr 28, 2017
We have the Number One perennial ~
Hostas are in the process of being planted on the back side of the Collins House, the north side, where they should thrive in the shade....

Carolyn Welch
Apr 23, 2017
April came in like a . . . Lamb's Ear ~
Trisha took advantage of our wonderful week of weather for planting with the addition of Lamb's Ear in the garden that runs along side...

Carolyn Welch
Apr 1, 2017
Gardener's Delight Piled High ~
What on earth is that? Well, it's Black Gold, not Texas Tea . . . but darn near the best compost on the planet. Can anyone besides a...