More about the Tuthills ~
Recently Alice Summerford visited the Collins House. When she googled Tuthill chairs the Friends of the D.D. Collins House website popped up.

You may be wondering what is so special about that. Well… Alice is the great, great, great granddaughter of Silas Tuthill, the maker of the chairs that are in the kitchen of the D.D. Collins House.
Alice currently lives in Alabama, but as circumstances would have it, she and her family were going to be in St. Louis for a graduation. She called Lavadna and asked if there were any way to visit the Collins House on a week day. Lavadna, who indicated that it would not be a problem, called Lois, and the two of them met with Alice and her family at the house.
As you may recall, Silas Tuthill lived in Rockwood, Illinois with his wife Desdimona, and their two daughters, Ella Elizabeth and Alice Orillia.
Alice is also the first cousin of Edward Finnell. His father was Alice’s mother’s brother. Edward forwarded an excerpt from a book by Mildred Midjaas.
Click the chair to read the excerpt.
Click the image to read zoomable PDF.
The genealogy of Silas Tuthill, and the photos of his family and factory were provided by Alice Summerford. Alice has a set of Tuthill chairs in her kitchen and said her family is proud to use them on a daily basis.
Click the image for more of the Tuthill story . . .