August 3rd is ~
National Watermelon Day!
"When one has tasted watermelon, he knows what the angels eat."
~Mark Twain
Click image above to visit our historical tribute to watermelons.
Shall we celebrate?
for the melon in the patch is oh so great . . .
Bold green and striped on the outside;
ruby pink and juicy within that rind . . .
Let's go have some, right this very moment;
the lure to sweet goodness is very potent . . .
Another treat for those who are wee
(no pun intended)
click this melon with the seed . . .
To Child's Play you will magically be swept;
for that's where a coloring melon is kept . . .
Just click and print that Watermelon Button;
to see what you child will color is really somethin'!