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Twenty-two Came to See ~

Carolyn Welch

An eighth grade September field trip to the D.D. Collins House . . .

"History is not a burden on the memory but an illumination of the soul."

~ Lord Acton


Scholarly Visitors

They came from far and wide, that they did,

for higher learning was their bid . . .

Stepping back into the past,

the ultimate mission of this middle school class . . .

Lois Metzger shared a plethora of knowledge;

these young folk attended a D.D. Collins House college . . .

Lavadna Hines was there as well;

our two historians rang the classroom bell . . .

Life in the 1800s was the topic;

learning about antiques can be hypnotic . . .

They're entranced by life and events back then;

before technology became the trend . . .

A glowing face from the group,

taking notes like a reporter with the scoop . . .

Perhaps he'll tell all his friends,

about his visit to the House of D.D. Collins . . .

These young fellows enjoying the moment here,

taking respite in merry cheer . . .

Do they wonder, as we often do,

about the lives of those who previously passed through? . . .

Ann Badasch, our local expert of antique fabrics,

demonstrates the art of chair caning magic . . .

There are intricacies of math and design,

passed forward from a long ago time.

A wonderful day well spent indeed,

young minds our experts did well to feed . . .

Because learning about our past,

by visiting our little house is still a blast!

Our sincere thanks to Lavadna Hines for taking and sharing these photos.

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Mail: c/o 104 Irene Dr., Collinsville, IL 62234 

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