- Carolyn Welch
Such an Honor ~
On Saturday, April 14, 2018 the Collinsville Historic Preservation Commission was awarded the Historic Preservation Recognition Award by the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution for excellent volunteer work in Historic Preservation regarding the historic D.D. Collins House.
The award was presented to individual members of the CHPC by the Cahokia Mound Chapter of the DAR. The award presentation was followed by a salad and dessert buffet. Truly an honor, this recognition is appreciated by the HPC.
Lois Metzger receives the DAR award and a pin in recognition of her work on the restoration of the historic D.D. Collins House.
From left, members of the HPC: Carolyn Welch, William Iseminger, Lavadna Hines, Lois Metzger.
Current HPC members unable to attend: Terry Falline and Linda Rayho.
Past HPC members unable to attend: Bob Stephens and John Galvin. DAR award presenters: Kathy Dice, Community Service Awards Chairman/ Past Regent, and Mary Jo.Mordhurst, Chapter Regent/ State Regent NSDAR.